Which products make the best beard lotion?

Beard lotionPhoto by Avery Cocozziello on Unsplash

Beard lotion or beard moisturizers are crucial for any beardsman, no matter how long your luscious locks are. Beards are notorious for drying out. Those dry, brittle whiskers and irritated skin underneath are not uncommon for beardsman the world over. 

It can be highly challenging to develop a beard care routine that works to keep your whiskers and skin moisturized, especially if you’re new to having a full beard. There’s a whole new world of products out there, and it can be difficult to know what’s essential and what’s optional. Especially when it comes to keeping that mane moisturized. With that in mind, we’ve put together this quick and easy guide to beard moisturizers and beard lotions so Kingsmen can easily keep their whiskers healthy, hydrated, and growing evenly. Let’s jump in and learn what it takes to keep our whiskers happy. 

What is beard lotion? 

Beard lotion isn’t necessarily a specific product, but the term can be used to refer to many different moisturizing products for the mane that can fight off dryness. When it comes to beard care products, beard lotion can be: 

  • Beard oil
  • Beard balm
  • Beard butter
  • Beard conditioner

Each of these products provides much-needed moisture to the beard and the skin underneath the beard, but each of them does it differently. When choosing a product that can serve as beard lotion, it’s important to take into account these differences. Let’s take a look. 

Beard Oil

Beard oil is a liquid product that delivers moisture to the roots of your beard as well as the skin on your face. Beard oil has been formulated to replace the natural oils your beard needs to be healthy. This product is an essential daily step in your beard care routine, and it should be applied when your beard is damp. Your whiskers will absorb the oil over the next few minutes, so it’s always a good idea to wait for a spell before you apply any other products. 

Choosing the right beard oil for you is more than selecting a scent you like. You should also look at the ingredients and ensure it’s all-natural and includes moisturizing components like almond oil and jojoba oil.

Beard oil

Beard Balm

Beard balm can be a moisturizing product when you look for specific ingredients. For instance, beard balms that contain jojoba oil, almond oil, shea butter, or cocoa butter will all provide a good amount of moisture to your mane and act as a beard lotion. Beard balm is formulated primarily for styling purposes, so it’s likely to contain a good amount of wax to keep your whiskers in place and tame those flyaways. Some balms are more moisturizing than others, so the ingredient list is key. 

Beard balm can, however, build up over time, so make sure you’re using a proper beard wash to break down that buildup. Following up with a daily comb through using a beard brush will also help exfoliate and loosen build-up, freeing your follicles to absorb your oil and other beard lotion. 

Beard Butter

Beard butter is probably the closest beard care product to a beard lotion. It’s softer and more creamy than beard balm but thicker than beard oil. Often made with deeply moisturizing ingredients like shea butter, beard butter delivers deep conditioning to your whiskers while also gently taming and controlling your beard’s shape. Beard butter can be used to style your beard with a gentle hold, and it can also be applied before bed as an overnight deep-conditioning treatment. 

When selecting your beard butter, choose a product with all-natural ingredients, and if you can get your hands on a beard butter that contains shea butter, your whiskers will thank you. 

Beard Conditioner 

Beard conditioner should always come after a beard wash. While a beard wash will help limit the stripping of your natural oils, some of it will still be lost. Beard conditioner returns that moisture immediately to your beard, while ensuring it softens that mane and makes it more manageable. 

Beard conditioner should only be used after you wash your beard, but the most crucial piece of information you need to get the best results out of your beard conditioner is to use a real beard wash. Do not use shampoo, shower gel or bar soap to wash your beard. These soaps contain harsh detergents that strip way too much of your natural oils. This is the best and easiest way to dry out your beard and turn it into straw. So grab yourself some beard wash and always follow it up with a beard conditioner. 

Beard Lotions You’ll Love

If you’re struggling with a dry beard and looking for a beard lotion to soften and moisturize your whiskers, check out Kingsmen Premium’s full line of moisturizing beard care products. Our beard oil is made with all-natural ingredients, including jojoba oil and almond oil, and will deliver deep moisturizing to your roots. Kingsmen Premium’s beard balm is made with shea butter and beeswax and contains many other naturally moisturizing ingredients. Our beard butter is also packed with shea butter, grapeseed oil, and jojoba oil. Finally, the Kingsmen Premium beard wash and beard conditioner combo help to gently cleanse your whiskers and provide deep moisturizing that softens and hydrates for days. Don’t wait to achieve a softer, moisturized beard. Shop our full line of beard care products today!